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Tony Benn Debt Slaves

Thatcher was a much cleverer woman than we give her credit for. What she said was: 'you can buy your council house, so you'll be a property owner, you may not be able to get a wage increase, but you can borrow'. And the borrowing was deliberately encouraged because people in debt are slaves to their employers." While We’re Fighting The Wolves at the Door Multimillionaire PM Sunak Gives a Mocking Call for Brits to show Some Grit Simply telling struggling borrowers to ‘hold your nerve and trust my plan’ doesn’t hold water neither does it offer confidence to the millions in rented accommodation just as likely to see their rents bringing the roof down around them. For those like Sunak, who don’t have to worry about mortgages or enjoy the luxury of taxpayer-funded second homes, interest rate rises must seem like manna from heaven. In fact, they are probably secretly relishing the thought of higher returns on their multimillion-pound investments and the 5% interest on their savings. But for those whose public sector pay is subject to wage review bodies and the government’s recent announcement that it reserves the right to ignore their recommendations is devastating. I remember when every other word from the government was to state the market needed certainty as if it was a decree from up high! However, those worshipers of mammon have no regard for our certainty, for the certainty of the people. They have no regard as to whether we can put bread on our table and keep the wolf at bay, that kind of certainty doesn’t exist for them, even though that is part and parcel of their job, to not only represent the people but protect them too. We all know the real enemy, the banks and the energy companies that's the only fight government needs to have to bring inflation down.

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